We will stay in student dorm rooms in buildings that belong to the King’s School, which at the time will be on Spring break. The buildings surround the cathedral and make use of the old monastic structures with modern interiors – best described as luxury rustic. Most rooms have views of medieval buildings.
The majority of the accommodation is in double rooms with twin beds and good privacy. There are some single rooms which will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. There are also a few multiple occupancy rooms available. The rooms are organized into “houses”, which accommodate 20 – 40 people. Some of the houses are buildings dating from the 1300s and were originally part of the monastery. Each house has a code lock on the outside door, which will be kept locked at all times.

Comforters, pillows and towels will be provided, and rooms will be cleaned daily except on Sunday. Bring your own wash cloth, though, if needed. Beds will be made up for arrival only. Bathrooms are down the hall, varying in number and location, sometimes with more than one on each floor. They have a good measure of privacy with individual shower doors. Each house has a common sitting area with an adjacent kitchenette with refrigerator, and free washer/dryers. This means that you can always make coffee, tea or snacks and, since you can wash clothing, you will be able to pack lighter! There are several grocery stores right in town for snack purchases.

Meals will be a culinary delight in a most exquisite ambience – the old monastic barn with original beams. Two fully cooked meals (breakfast and dinner) will be provided each day, with a snack provided outside the dance hall after the evening dance. Lunch on the first full day of the camp (Thursday, April 3) will also be provided, following orientation. This dining hall has a gourmet chef and sous-chef on staff. You will experience some of the finest food with interesting menus including especially cooked vegetarian dishes, which are not just regular meals with meat excluded. As much as possible the menus will feature items that will be a little novel, and there will be a large variety of English desserts. Consideration will also be made for special dietary needs.